Finding your Instagram URL is essential for various purposes such as promoting your account and sharing it with others. It is a unique link that represents your Instagram profile. To find your Instagram URL, simply add your username to the end of the link: This will be your Instagram URL.

Key Takeaways:

  • Your Instagram URL is the web address that represents your Instagram profile.
  • To find your Instagram URL, add your username to the end of the link:
  • Your Instagram URL is crucial for promoting your account and sharing it with others.
  • Changing your username will also change your Instagram URL.
  • Choose a username that reflects your brand and is easy to remember.

How to Share Profiles Using Instagram Direct

Instagram Direct is a convenient feature that allows you to share profiles with others directly. Whether you want to introduce someone to a friend’s profile or recommend a brand account, sharing profiles using Instagram Direct is quick and easy.

To get started, simply go to the profile you wish to send. You can do this by searching for the username or tapping on their profile picture if you already follow them. Once you’re on the profile, tap the icon in the top right corner. On iOS, this icon looks like a paper airplane, while on Android, it appears as a paper airplane with a curved arrow.

After tapping the icon, a menu will appear with several options. On iOS, select “Share this Profile,” and on Android, choose “Send Profile as Message.” You will then be prompted to search for the person or group you want to send the profile to. Start typing their name in the search bar, and select the correct recipient from the suggestions.

Once you have chosen the recipient(s), tap “Send” to complete the process. The selected profile will be shared directly with the person or group you chose, allowing them to view the profile and connect with the account owner.

Sharing profiles using Instagram Direct is a convenient way to introduce others to new accounts or recommend someone to follow. It is a simple process that can be done within a few taps, making it easy to connect and share the profiles you love.

How to Share URLs on Instagram (for public accounts only)

Sharing URLs on Instagram can be a powerful way to promote your content and engage with your audience. While Instagram limits direct clickable links in captions and comments, there are still ways to share URLs on the platform. In this section, we’ll explore how you can share URLs on Instagram for public accounts.

To share a URL from a post on Instagram, start by tapping the airplane icon (Share) located under the post. This will open a menu with different sharing options. From here, you can choose to add the post to your story, reply to it as a direct message, copy the link, or share it on other social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

YouTube video

By selecting the “Copy Link” option, you can easily copy the URL of the post. This allows you to share the link with others through various channels such as email, messaging apps, or even on other websites. This is particularly useful if you want to drive traffic to your Instagram posts or share them with a wider audience.

It’s important to note that this method only works for public accounts. If your account is set to private, the sharing options may be limited. Additionally, keep in mind that URLs shared on Instagram are not clickable, but users can copy and paste the URL into their web browser to access the content.

How to Find a Post’s URL

When it comes to sharing an Instagram post outside of the app, finding the post’s URL is key. Fortunately, locating the post URL is a quick and simple process. Here’s how you can find a post’s URL on Instagram:

  1. Open the Instagram app and navigate to the post you want to find the URL for.
  2. Tap the three-dotted icon located at the top right corner of the post.
  3. A menu will appear. Click on the “Copy Link” option.

By following these steps, the post URL will be copied to your device’s clipboard, ready for you to share it wherever you’d like.

how to find instagram url getlikes

It’s important to note that if you’re using Instagram on the web, the process for finding a post’s URL is slightly different:

  1. Go to, replacing “username” with the profile’s username.
  2. Scroll through the user’s posts until you find the specific post you’re looking for.
  3. Click on the post, and the URL will appear in your browser’s address bar.

With these methods, you can easily find a post’s URL on Instagram, allowing you to share your favorite posts with friends, embed them in blog posts, or use them for any other purpose you have in mind.

How to Change Your Instagram URL

Changing your Instagram URL can help personalize your profile and make it easier for others to find you. By customizing your Instagram URL, you can create a unique and memorable web address that reflects your brand or personal identity. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to change your Instagram URL:

  1. Go to your Instagram profile and click on the “Edit Profile” button.
  2. In the “Username” field, enter the new username you want to use for your Instagram URL.
  3. Click the “Save” button to update your username and Instagram URL.

It’s important to note that changing your username will also change your Instagram handle, which is the name displayed in your profile and to your followers. Therefore, choose a username that aligns with your personal or brand identity and is easy to remember.

find your instagram url

Quote: “By changing your Instagram URL, you have the opportunity to create a personalized web address that aligns with your brand or personal identity.”
– Social Media Expert

Keep in mind that once you change your Instagram URL, any existing links or references to your old URL may no longer work. It’s a good practice to inform your followers and update any external platforms or promotional materials that may contain your old URL.

Advantages of Customizing Your Instagram URL

Customizing your Instagram URL offers several advantages:

  • Branding: A personalized URL can enhance your brand identity and make your profile more memorable to viewers.
  • Marketing: A customized URL can be used for promotional purposes, such as sharing it on other social media platforms or including it in marketing materials.
  • Professionalism: A customized URL shows that you have taken the time to create a unique online presence, which can help establish credibility.
Advantages Benefits
Branding Enhance your brand identity
Marketing Promote your profile on other platforms
Professionalism Establish credibility

By following these simple steps, you can change your Instagram URL and create a more customized and engaging profile. Take advantage of this opportunity to make your Instagram presence stand out and attract more followers and engagement.

The Importance of Your Instagram URL

Your Instagram URL is more than just a web address. It is a vital component of your social identity and branding. With millions of users on Instagram, having a memorable and distinctive URL can help you stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression. Whether you are an individual, a company, or an influencer, your Instagram URL plays a significant role in your online presence.

First and foremost, your Instagram URL is the gateway to your profile. It is the link that allows others to find and connect with you on Instagram. By choosing a username that reflects your brand or personal identity, you are creating a clear and cohesive online presence. When people see your Instagram URL, they should immediately recognize who you are and what you represent.

“Your Instagram URL is like your digital calling card. It’s the first impression you make on potential followers or customers.” – Social Media Expert

Moreover, your Instagram URL is a powerful tool for promotion. By sharing your URL across different platforms, you can drive traffic to your profile and increase your followers. It serves as a direct link to your content, allowing others to easily access and engage with your posts, stories, and highlights. Whether you’re a business looking to attract customers or an artist showcasing your work, a well-crafted Instagram URL can help you reach a wider audience and expand your brand’s reach.

Benefits of an Effective Instagram URL Examples
Increased brand recognition @YourBrandName
Easy sharing and promotion @YourUsername
Improved search engine visibility @YourIndustry
Consistent online presence @YourName

When choosing your Instagram URL, it’s important to consider both branding and SEO. A well-optimized URL can improve your search engine visibility and attract relevant followers. By including keywords related to your industry or niche, you can make it easier for potential followers to discover your profile. However, it’s also essential to strike a balance between SEO and branding. Your URL should be memorable, concise, and representative of your unique identity.

In conclusion, your Instagram URL is more than just a web address; it’s a critical element of your social identity and branding. By choosing a memorable and distinctive URL, you can create a strong online presence, promote your profile effectively, and attract the right audience. Take the time to think strategically about your Instagram URL, and you’ll be one step closer to building a successful presence on this popular social media platform.


In summary, your Instagram URL plays a crucial role in managing your Instagram experience. It serves as a unique link that represents your profile and allows you to share it with others. By finding your Instagram URL and utilizing it effectively, you can enhance your online presence and reach a wider audience.

Sharing profiles using Instagram Direct is a convenient way to connect with others. Simply tap the icon in the top right corner of the profile, select the option to share, choose the recipient, and send. It’s that easy!

If you want to share URLs for public accounts, you can do so by tapping the share icon under the post. From there, you have various options such as adding it to your story, replying as a direct message, copying the link, or sharing it on other social media platforms.

Remember, your Instagram URL is not set in stone. If you wish to change it, you can do so by changing your username in your profile settings. However, be cautious as this may break any existing links to your profile.

In conclusion, understanding and utilizing your Instagram URL effectively can help you make the most out of your Instagram presence. So take the time to find your URL, share profiles, posts, and connect with others, all while optimizing your online branding and visibility.


How do I find my Instagram URL?

To find your Instagram URL, simply add your username to the end of the link: This will be your Instagram URL.

How do I share a profile using Instagram Direct?

To share a profile using Instagram Direct, go to the profile you want to send, tap the icon in the top right, select “Share this Profile” (iOS) or “Send Profile as Message” (Android). Search for and select the person or group you want to send the profile to, then tap Send to complete the process.

How do I share URLs on Instagram for public accounts?

To share URLs on Instagram for public accounts, tap the airplane icon (Share) under the post. From there, you can choose to add it to your story, reply as a DM, copy the link, or share it on other social media platforms.

How do I find a post’s URL on Instagram?

To find a post’s URL on Instagram, tap the three-dotted icon at the top right corner of the post. Then, click the “Copy Link” button. On the web, you can go to and click on the post to copy the link from the browser’s address bar.

How do I change my Instagram URL?

To change your Instagram URL, you need to change your username. Go to your profile, click on “Edit Profile,” and enter a new username. Save the changes, and your Instagram URL will be updated. Keep in mind that changing your username may affect any existing links to your profile.

Why is my Instagram URL important?

Your Instagram URL is crucial for your social identity and branding. It represents your account and is used for various purposes like promotion and sharing. It is important to choose a username that reflects your brand and is easy to remember. However, be aware that changing your username may break existing links to your profile.

What is the importance of finding and utilizing my Instagram URL?

Finding and utilizing your Instagram URL is simple and important for managing your Instagram experience. It allows you to share your profile, posts, and connect with others. Remember to choose a username wisely, as it will be a part of your Instagram URL. Use your Instagram URL to enhance your online presence and reach a wider audience.

Melinda Shawn
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🌿 Meet Melinda Shawn, your beacon of encouragement on social media. A blogger who crafts each post to be a spark of positivity and inspiration in your feed. Melinda’s words resonate with warmth and understanding, turning your scrolling time into a moment of reflection and hope. Dive into her world, where each story, insight, and tip is tailored to uplift your spirit and brighten your day. 🌟